How Can We Help?
Family Court is not a nice place to be. You wouldn’t even want to visit it. Only pain, suffering and heartbreak are inside those courtrooms. Being there can be a very scary experience.
Unfortunately for the public, there are many attorneys who call themselves “family law” attorneys, who are scared to death of stepping foot into a courtroom. They go out of their way to avoid litigation. If they happen to get a case with complex issues like “abuse, drugs, pedophilia, addiction,” they don’t know what to do. They freeze. Some have been know to leave town.
Difficult divorce cases deserve competent counsel. That is attorneys who know how to dot the “I”s and cross the “T”s. That means conducting discovery, sending interrogatories, taking depositions, subpoenaing records, challenging Guardian ad Litems and going to court. Yes, going to court. Maybe even to trial.
If your current divorce attorney is not doing those things, and you feel frustrated with how the case is going, change attorney’s.
Mike is often not the first attorney on a case, but he is almost always the last. Think about that.
Mike is not afraid to do the job needed to properly represent his clients, and that means going to court.